The owner of the website is FLORAA RENTALS SAS having All Rights Reserved.

FLORAA RENTALS SAS  capital €2500,00 Immatriculation au RCS, numéro: 813 625 555 R.C.S.  Grasse. Registered office at C/o Sundesk 930 Route des Dolines  06560 Valbonne, France  Identifiant SIRET: 813 625 555 00020.  N° de TVA: FR 08 813625555. Email:  Tel: +33(0)  Assurance Responsabilite Civile: MMA PRO-PME n° 000000145012030                                                                                                                            

In accordance with ACT N°78-17 OF 6 JANUARY 1978 ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, DATA FILES AND CIVIL LIBERTIES, all concerned are informed that any personal data of the clients obtained on our website shall be used and processed only for purpose in relation to our services, updating information and for responding to clients queries and requests.

Our clients are at liberty to advise us any changes required by filling up contact us form or inform us via email at

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The communication contained in the message is confidential and is directed, intended for the addressee only and If you are not the addressee and our email has been received erroneously, then the use of this email in any manner other than the addressee is unauthorized. Also if you are not the intended receiver of the email then you are required to immediately notify the sender and delete this email and attachments from your computer permanently. As no assurance can be provided for transmission of email to be secure, error free or encrypted, therefore, we do not accept any liability for any damage or loss occurred due to use of email content and attachments.

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Any materials in this website are not authorized to be copied, reproduced, printed, reused or transmitted in any manner.


Information on this site is posted in good faith and updated regularly, but Floraa Rentals cannot guarantee its completeness and accuracy. Floraa Rentals does not accept any liability to you or any third party, whether expressed or implied, direct or indirect, any consequential or of any nature for any error or omission or due to any information contained on this site. Floraa Rentals may change, update or delete any information on this site without prior notice. Floraa Rentals does not warrant that this site will be uninterrupted, error free or that any information or other material accessible from this site is free of viruses or other harmful components.

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